One of the things that my husband and I have delighted in over the past year are the signs that you find around Singapore that reveal a bit of the unique (and often comical) culture in which we live. Enjoy!
You're Reminded That Being Overweight Is an Inconvenience for Everyone
Oh, Singapore! So subtle. |
Trespassing Terrifies You
Enter and die! |
For a gun-free country, Singapore sure likes to threaten gun violence |
You Just Spent Your Kid's College Savings on Ice Cream
Two for $23.95! What a bargain! |
You Just Rode an Escalator Outside
In Singapore, they put escalators outside just because they can. |
You Just Ordered Your Meal on an iPad
Again, just because they can. The most expensive city in the world? Hmmm, I wonder why |
You've Enjoyed a Singapore Sling
Ahhh! So refreshing! |
You See Signs for Nescafe Everywhere
If America runs on Dunkin, Singapore runs on Nescafe |
You Just Discovered Kickapoo, America's Favorite Joy Juice
Come on, it's called Kickapoo - that would never
work in the US! |
Oh yeah, every American kid's favorite characters,
Lonesome Polecat and Hairless Joe |
You're Painfully Aware That Durians Aren't Allowed Anywhere...Even If You Don't Know What Durians Are
No, they're not spiky bombs...they're the stinkiest fruit ever created |
You've Had This Delightful Bathroom Experience
In Little India, shoes aren't allowed, so you even get
the opportunity to slip on plastic slippers worn by
countless other visitors. |
You've Visited Haw Par Villa
And wondered what on earth is happening in these dioramas...maybe don't look too closely |
You're Constantly Encouraged to Give Up Your Seat to Someone Who Needs It More
Go Singapore! |
Your Burger Comes with a Side of Corn
Would you like corn with that? |
And maybe even a little Thai seasoning |
Just Glancing at Cigarette Cartons Have Caused You to Throw Up in Your Mouth
If those don't get you to quit smoking, I don't know what will |
You've Gotten Used to Seeing People Advertised as a New Product
No comment |
Public Transportation Is Clean & Well-Designed
I'm lovin' it! |
Squatting on Toilet Seats Is a Problem
Your bum greatly appreciate signs like this |
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