Thursday, June 5, 2014

17 Signs You May Be in Singapore

One of the things that my husband and I have delighted in over the past year are the signs that you find around Singapore that reveal a bit of the unique (and often comical) culture in which we live. Enjoy!

You're Reminded That Being Overweight Is an Inconvenience for Everyone
Oh, Singapore! So subtle.
Trespassing Terrifies You
Enter and die!
For a gun-free country, Singapore sure likes to threaten gun violence
You Just Spent Your Kid's College Savings on Ice Cream
Two for $23.95! What a bargain!
You Just Rode an Escalator Outside
In Singapore, they put escalators outside just because they can.
You Just Ordered Your Meal on an iPad
Again, just because they can. The most expensive city in the world? Hmmm, I wonder why
You've Enjoyed a Singapore Sling
Ahhh! So refreshing!
You See Signs for Nescafe Everywhere
If America runs on Dunkin, Singapore runs on Nescafe
You Just Discovered Kickapoo, America's Favorite Joy Juice
Come on, it's called Kickapoo - that would never
work in the US!
Oh yeah, every American kid's favorite characters,
Lonesome Polecat and Hairless Joe
You're Painfully Aware That Durians Aren't Allowed Anywhere...Even If You Don't Know What Durians Are
No, they're not spiky bombs...they're the stinkiest fruit ever created
You've Had This Delightful Bathroom Experience
In Little India, shoes aren't allowed, so you even get
the opportunity to slip on plastic slippers worn by
countless other visitors.

You've Visited Haw Par Villa
And wondered what on earth is happening in these dioramas...maybe don't look too closely
You're Constantly Encouraged to Give Up Your Seat to Someone Who Needs It More

Go Singapore!
Your Burger Comes with a Side of Corn
Would you like corn with that?
 And maybe even a little Thai seasoning
Just Glancing at Cigarette Cartons Have Caused You to Throw Up in Your Mouth
If those don't get you to quit smoking, I don't know what will
You've Gotten Used to Seeing People Advertised as a New Product
No comment
Public Transportation Is Clean & Well-Designed
I'm lovin' it!
Squatting on Toilet Seats Is a Problem
Your bum greatly appreciate signs like this